Top 3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Goals

April 22, 2022
Top 3 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Goals

Bad days… we all have them. It’s a 100% guarantee that you won’t feel motivated, inspired, or high energy every single day. So with this knowledge in mind, it’s important to have things in place that will help us stay committed to our goals despite what the day might be. Here are 3 tips we have for you to ensure you’re always headed toward success:

Seek accountability

Having a person or group in place to help keep you on track is a sure-fire way to stay committed. You’ll be more motivated to show up knowing that someone is waiting on you or may ask where you were if you skipped a day. An accountability buddy will also be there to remind you of your goals and why you started in the first place. Our personal trainers and group fitness classes are great ways you can find the people and community to stay accountable!

Write it down

Writing down your goals and then tracking them on paper can be a great visual way to hold yourself accountable on your own. Whether you keep track of your food as a list, put an “X” on a calendar every day that you work out, or fill in graphs for how much water you drank, this will help you see what is going well or where you might need improvement.

Have a strong “why”

The reason behind your goals sometimes might be the only thing that keeps you going when you want to give up… but only if your “why” is strong enough. Do you want to heal a chronic illness, be able to play with your kids or grandkids, or have a deadline of being ready for an event like a race or competition? Things like losing weight or building strength are great goals, but your motivation won’t be strong enough on the bad days if physical appearance or body composition are your only reasons for showing up. We love to dive into goal-setting and your “why” at Camp Rhino because we know just how successful this can be!

It’s so important to acknowledge that we won’t always be able to show up every day. But having proper people, systems, habits, and beliefs in place are just the things you’ll need to achieve your goals and stay committed to them.

Which of these three ideas are you excited to implement into your own life? Let us know if we can help by clicking HERE and click "FREE INTRO" to schedule a free consult with us.

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